Main container

Marchiori Gregorio, Engineer



Biomedical Engineer

Current assignment

Contract researcher

Title of qualification awarded

2012: MSc in Bioengineering at the University of Padua.

Other qualifications awarded

High Training Program “Multidisciplinary Specialist in new materials for orthopaedics”, 2014.
Examination for the qualification to practice the profession of engineer.

Positions held

Employee at the Engineering department of Limacorporate Spa (orthopaedic field).
Stage in the research lab of the INAIL Prosthetic Center (Bologna, Italy).


English: fluent.
German: basic


Computer Aided Design and Finite Element Modelling.

Clinical and/or Scientific interests

La mia aspirazione è continuare l'ambito di studio intrapreso, bioingegneristico, con un'attenzione particolare per la protesica.