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Ferrari Cristina, MSc




Current assignment

Epidemiological studies of musculoskeletal tumors

Title of qualification awarded
  • 1991: Master Degree in Biological Science at the University of Bologna.
  • 1993: National qualification as Biologist.
Other qualifications awarded

1997: Master Degree in Natural Science at the University of Camerino (MC).

Positions held
  • From 2009: Biologist (permanent staff) at the Laboratory of Experimental Oncology, Bone and Soft Tissue Tumor Registry, Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute.
  • 2007-09: Temporary contract as Biologist at the Laboratory of Cancer Research, Bone and Soft Tissue Tumor Registry, Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute.
  • 1998-2006: Research contract as Biologist at the Laboratory of Cancer Research, Bone and Soft Tissue Tumor Registry, Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute.
  • 1995-97: Biologist fellow at the Laboratory of Cancer Research, Bone Tumor Registry, Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute.
  • 1992-94: Post-graduate internship at the Laboratory of Cancer Research, Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute.

Fluent French, basic English.


Technical skills: Cutting of tissue sections with microtome. Techniques of immunohistochemistry and molecular biology.

IT skills: Windows Office, Internet, PubMed, Bone and Soft Tissue Tumor Registry Database.

Scientific activities
  • 2019-23: Member of an Operative Unit of the project: AIRC "Toward tailored treatments for osteosarcoma through validation of pharmacogenomic markers" P.I. M. Serra. Grant number: IG21487.
  • 2013-16: Collaborator of the Italian Ministry of Health for the project “IOR Oncology Archive”, P.I. Dr. P. Picci (Ricerca Corrente - Ongoing research).
  • From 2000: Insertion of soft tissue sarcomas cases treated at the Rizzoli Institute since January 1982 for the expansion of the Registry Database.
  • From 1995: Management of the Bone and Soft Tissue Tumor Registry Database that collects all bone sarcomas cases treated at the Rizzoli Institute from January 1982.
  • From 1995: Collaboration with the Pediatric Cancer Registry and the Population-based Cancer Registry of Italy.
  • 1992-2002: Molecular characterization of sarcomas in order to identify prognostic and diagnostic markers.

Co-Author of publications on international journals


  • ORCID: 0000-0002-7755-5085
  • SCOPUS: 7202624012

From 2011  Member of  the Italian Sarcoma Group (ISG).

Clinical and/or Scientific interests

Musculoskeletal tumors. Epidemiology of sarcomas.