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Parra Alessandro, PhD



Biotechnologist, Biologist, PhD

Current assignment

Professional collaborator in health research

Title of qualification awarded
  • Master Degree in Veterinary Biotechnology
  • Ph.D
  • Master Degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology
Other qualifications awarded

Qualification as Biologist (State Exam)

Positions held
  • Dec. 2019 - today: Research activity as a professional collaborator in health research at the Experimental Oncology Laboratory, IOR, Bologna
  • September 2014 - today: Researcher at the Laboratory of Experimental Oncology, Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna
  • October 2002-May 2013: Research and Molecular analyst at SSD Medical Genetics and Rare Diseases, Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna
  • French: excellent
  • English: good
  • German: sufficient fluency
  • Extraction of nucleic acids from any biological matrix;
  • Extensive gene sequencing with Sanger technology (TP53, EXT1-2, genes of the collagen family and CD99), Next Generation Sequencing on NextSeq 500 and Novaseq 6000 Platforms from Illumina: DNA & RNA targeted panels (SNVs, CNVs, CNAs, MSI, SVs & fusion genes detection; RNA-Seq and miRNA-Seq).
  • Qualitative and quantitative analysis of genomic sequences, analysis of epigenetic methylation of DNA by mean of bisulfite conversion, analysis of genomic rearrangements by MLPA-MAPH, real-time PCR with SYBR Green I Dye and new generation dyes, high skills in HRM (High Resolution Melting) set up and analysis, extraction of glycosylated proteins and glycosaminoglycans in native form from extracellular matrices and subsequent analysis in liquid phase NMR, in situ hybridization of radioactive riboprobes. 
  • All the basic knowledge of a genetics and molecular biology laboratory. Ability to set up cell cultures and organotypic ones. Use of common equipment in molecular biology and genetics laboratory; in particular automated sequencer (ABI Prism 3100 & subsequent models, Applied Biosystems), dHPLC (Wave 3500 HT, Transgenomic) and Real Time PCR machines (ABI 7900HT and ViiA7 (Life Technologies) and Rotorgene 6000 (Corbett)). Refined theoretical knowledge of the most important Next Generation Sequencing platforms (Illumina, pyrosequencing by Roche, SMRT Pacific Biosciences, cPAL, Solid and Ion Torrent/Proton).
  • Practical and deep knowledge of the Illumina NextSeq500 platform: creation of libraries for DNA & RNA targeted panels (SNVs, CNVs, CNAs, MSI, SVs & fusion genes detection; RNA-Seq e miRNA-Seq). 
  • Validation of NGS results on fusion genes, CNAs e SNVs with other classical molecular biology techniques.
Teaching activities

Supervisor of thesis in Molecular and Cellular Biology (year 2013 and 2017).
Substitute teacher for six years for the course of medical genetics for Podiatrists and Orthopedics Technicians.
Tutor for the laboratories of the course in Functional genetics and genomics (Industrial Biotechnologies) during 2020/2021 and 2021/2022.

Scientific activities

Author of 14 scientific articles and participation in several congresses.
Significant contributions to research projects:
2006-2011: European Union "EuroBoNet, European Network to Promote Research into Uncommon Cancers in Adults and Children: Pathology, Biology and Genetics of Bone Tumours";

Clinical and/or Scientific interests
  • Genetic analysis of several genes of interest regarding tumor progression in bone and soft tissue sarcomas.
  • Next Generation Sequencing for molecular discovery of driver factors in Sarcomas. Analysis of proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans extracted from cartilage extracellular matrix and connections with cartilage developmental genetics.