Main container

Administrative service for the Health Area


The Simple Department Structure Administrative Service for the Health Area is responsible for:

  • The management of the administrative activity concerning hospitalizations, front-office and take-in-charge of users;
  • The management of the administrative activity connected to medical records and to the Institute’s health documentation;
  • The management of the relationship with the Unified Booking Center (CUP) and with the other external actors involved in the processes of booking and accessing hospitalizations and specialized surgery performances, providing a systemic monitoring of such activities;

Sectors and collaborators

Office for Financial Performances and Health Mobility

Administrative management of hospitalized patients, as users of both the public service and private practise. Hospitalization and Health Mobility. Estimates, extra comfort and private practise.

Dr. Marco Ceruti (Head) Tel. +39-051-6366104 (Health Mobility)
Mrs. Laura Paolucci Tel. +39-051-6366427 (Hospitalization)
Mrs. Patrizia Barroi Tel. +39-0516366625 (Hospitalization)
Fax +39-051-6366221 (Reception, extra comfort and private practise)
Desk: Monday-Friday, 9am to 1pm
Mrs. Roberta Mari, Mrs. Caterina Rosa


Tel. +39-051-6366241
Fax +39-051-6366319 (Secretary Dozzinanti)
Mrs. Carla Roda Tel. +39-051-6366628 
Fax +39-051-6366140

Surgeries Administrative Office

Reception and booking of visits under the national health system or as provate practise. Movement and filing of surgery records.
Sig. Francesco Sivo (Coordinator) Tel. +39-051-6366630 (Reception Desk – Booking of visits)
Tel. +39-051-6366623; Tel. +39-051-6366624 
Fax +39-051-6366633

Office for copies and joint archives

Management and movement of the clinical and radiological documentation. Issue of copies of medical records, surgery, Emergency Room or X-ray records.

Mrs. Antonia Rotoli (Coordinator)     Tel. +39-051-63666398    email (Joint Desk for Documentation Copies and Medical Records Archive)
Tel. +39-051-6366343
Fax +39-051-6366903 (X-ray Archive)
Tel. +39-051-6366380 
Fax +39-051-6366966

Contacts and Locations

Where are our locations?

Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli 
Via G.C. Pupilli, 1 
40136 Bologna