Main container

Boetto Erik, MD



Medical Doctor

Current assignment

Medical Doctor at the Healthcare Medical Direction

Title of qualification awarded

Master Degree in Medicine and Surgery
2017, University of Ferrara, 110/110

Other qualifications awarded

Specialization in Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health (Master of Public Health)
2022, Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, Full marks with Honours

Positions held

From 01/07/2022 to 02/11/2022: contract as a Medical Doctor at the Healthcare Medical Direction of IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, part-time contract as a Resident in Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health.

From 23/11/20 to 31/03/22: contract as Medical resident at the Healthcare Medical Direction of IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli.


English: excellent


Great knowledge of the main healthcare and management informatic tools.
Great knowledge of Office suite.
Good knowledge of the main tools of literature and bibliographic research.

Scientific activities

Author and co-author of many research articles, published on indexed research journals. h-index 6 (source Google Scholar). Main research focus: Digital Health and its implementation.
Speaker for scientific meetings and congresses, with focusing on organization and management in the healthcare field.
2020 – current: member of the executive board of Emilia-Roamgna Regional Section of the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health (S.It.I).