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Shelyakova Tatiana, Physicist




Current assignment

Health Researcher

Title of qualification awarded

1984: Degree in physics (engineer-physicist) with honors. Course "Physical Electronics" at Radiotechnical University, Riazan, Russia.

Other qualifications awarded
  • 2005: Course "Management of projects of innovation and technological transfer; management of technological innovation; project management; funding and planning of project" at Spinner Consortium, Bologna
  • 2001-02: Course "Specialist of IBM AS/400 applications" at Institute for Formation of Business Operators, Bologna. Main contents: Operating System OS/400; computer language RPG/400 and its evolutions, database DB/400.
Positions held
  • From 2020: Health Researcher at the Unit Science and Technologies of Surgery, lOR. 
  • 2019-20: Health Researcher at the Laboratory of Biomechanics and Technological Innovation, lOR. Numerical simulations of magnetic fields
  • 2019-20: Researcher at Orthokey Italia s.r.l., Florence. Numerical simulations
  • 2015-18: Researcher at the Laboratory of Nanobiotechnologies, IOR. Numerical simulations for the "Costum Implants E-R" regional project
  • 2014: Researcher at the Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Science (DIBINEM), University of Bologna (Seat: Lab. of Biomechanics and Technological Innovation, lOR). Numerical simulations
  • 2013-14: Researcher at the Laboratory of Biomechanics and Technological Innovation, lOR. Numerical simulations
  • 2013: Researcher at the Laboratory of NanoBiotechnologies, IOR. Numerical simulations
  • 2012-13: Researcher at the Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Science (DIBINEM), University of Bologna (Seat: Lab. of Biomechanics and Technological Innovation, lOR). Calculation of magnetic fields and forces in biomedical applications, mathematic modeling and simulations of physical phenomena for the EC-FP7 "Magister" project
  • 2009-12: Researcher at the Department of Human Anatomy Science and of Physiopathology of the Locomotor System, University of Bologna (Seat: Lab. of Biomechanics and Technological Innovation, lOR). Calculation of magnetic fields and forces in biomedical applications, mathematic modeling and simulations of physical phenomena for the EC-FP7 "Magister" project
  • 2007-09: Researcher at the Laboratory of Biomechanics and Technological Innovation, lOR. Processing of radiographic images (RSA)
  • 2006-07: Researcher (occasional collaborations) at the Laboratory of Biomechanics and Technological Innovation, lOR. Processing of radiographic images (RSA)
  • 2005-06: Researcher (scholarship grant) at the Spinner Consortium, Bologna (Seat: Laboratory of Biomechanics and Technological Innovation, lOR). Calculations of repulsion forces distribution between permanent magnets to decrease the friction forces in arthrosis joints
  • 2002-04: Programmer at Advenire l.T s.r.l, Bologna. Programming in languages RPG e COBOL for business data management
  • 1994-95: Employee at the Russian State Financial Inspectorate, Riazan, Russia. Distribution and control of finances
  • 1984-94: Researcher at the Research Institute of Lasers and Electronic Tubes, Riazan, Russia. Mathematic calculations and simulations in computer for lasers and optic devices.
  • Mother tongue: Russian
  • Italian:
    • Listening: Excellent
    • Reading: Excellent
    • Oral interaction: Excellent 
    • Oral Production: Excellent 
    • Writing: Good
  • English:
    • Listening: Basic 
    • Reading: Good 
    • Oral interaction: Basic
    • Oral Production: Basic 
    • Writing: Good
  • German:
    • Listening: Basic 
    • Reading: Basic 
    • Oral interaction: Basic 
    • Oral Production: Basic 
    • Writing: Basic.
Knowledge of the basic Microsoft Office suite.
Programming in languages:
  • C (course MyRES );
  • COBOL (during the work at Advenire l.T s.r.L);
  • RPG (course lFOA )
  • FORTRAN (university course).
Scientific activities
Computer simulations of various magnetic parameters for bio-medical applications.
Participations in Italian and European projects.
Articles published in impacted international journals.
Clinical and/or Scientific interests

Biomaterials for innovative applications in biomechanics and orthopedics, by emphasis on magnetic properties in biomedical field.