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Tschon Matilde, PhD



Permanent Executive Biologist

Current assignment

B-level professional assignment: "In vitro ed in vivo studies on scaffolds and adjuvant therapies"

Title of qualification awarded

2002: Degree in Biological Sciences, University of Bologna, with honors.

Other qualifications awarded

2006: PhD in Biomaterials, University of Pisa, Italy with an experimental thesis entitled "Biological characterization of polymeric and copolymeric biomaterials for orthopaedic and odontoiatric research".

Positions held
  • From 2020: Permanent executive biologist, B-level professional assignment "In vitro and in vivo studies on scaffolds and adjuvant therapies" at the Unit Surgical Sciences and Technologies, IOR
  • From 2009: Person in charge for the Tissue Engineering sector
  • From 2017: Fire Prevention Officer (high risk) as provided by art. 37, par. 5 of Legislative Decree 139/06 and the ministerial Decree of March 10th, 1998
  • 2014-20: Permanent executive biologist, B-level professional assignment "In vitro and in vivo studies on scaffolds and adjuvant therapies" at the Laboratory of Preclinical and Surgical Studies, IOR
  • 2009-14: Permanent executive biologist, with assignment on "Studies on scaffolds for tissue regeneration" at the Laboratory of Preclinical and Surgical Studies, IOR
  • 2003-09: Project contract biologist at the Laboratory of Preclinical and Surgical Studies, IOR
  • 2002-03: Contract biologist at the Laboratory of Immunology and Genetics, IOR.

Fluent English.


Excellent skills in the applications of Windows 10 and Vista, Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Internet browsers, Outlook Express and Eudora, on-line bibliographic research, image analysis software  (Aperio ImageScope, Leica QWIN, Zeiss Axiovision, Nikon NIS-Elements, Olympus Cell-B), statistical analysis of data (SPPS).

Teaching activities

Teacher for trainees of the Project PONa3_00011 - Structural enhancement of an excellence network for preclinical and clinical research on personalized therapy.

Scientific activities
  • To date, author of more than 50 scientific publications in impacted and peer reviewed journals, h-index 23 (August 2020)
  • Principal investigator of the project entitled "BIOlogical and BIOphysical STimulation on IMplant Osteolysis and aseptic LOosening conditions: effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields and platelet derivatives (BIO.BIO.ST.IM.O.LO)" funded by the Research program Region-University 2010-2012  "Bando Giovani Ricercatori"
  • Participation in the preparation and drafting of research projects: 
    • H2020-NMBP-TR-IND-2018: "ADvanced nanocomposite MAterIals fOr in situ treatment and ultRAsound-mediated management of osteoarthritis - ADMAIORA"
    • H2020-MSCA-ITN-2019 "Precision medicine for muscoloskeletal regeneration, prosthetics and active ageing-PREMUROSA"
    • Fondazione Cariplo 2012 "Functionally graded hybrid scaffolds for osteo-chondral defect repair-SHOCK REPAIR"
    • RF 2011-02352638 "Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells as new minimally invasive regenerative treatment to target early osteoarthritis: from preclinical procedure selection to clinical application in a randomized double-blinded controlled trial"
  • Participation in the management and maintenance of the Quality System of the Laboratory
  • Member of the Italian Society of Biomaterials (SIB) and IPAM Platform (Italian Platform on Alternative Methods)
  • Reviewer for the following scientific impacted journals: Theranostic, J Clinical Medicine, Acta Biomaterialia, Cell Physiol Biochem, Materials, Biomed Research International, Stem Cells International, Tissue Engineering part B and C, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Journal of Applied Biomaterials & Functional Materials, Nutrients.
Clinical and/or Scientific interests

Biocompatibility of biomaterials, scaffolds and medical devices for the repair/regeneration of musculoskeletal tissues (cartilage, bone, meniscus, tendon and ligament); studies on regenerative medicine and tissue engineering approaches; preclinical research; in vitro cell cultures and advanced methods; histology and histomorphometry; biophysical therapies.