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Dr. Mercatali Laura



PhD, Biologist

Current assignment

Referent of Simple Unit Models and Innovative Therapies (MATI)

Title of qualification awarded

Degree in Biological Science at the University of Bologna, 2001

Other qualifications awarded
  • Specialization On Toxicology at the University of Bologna, 2005
  • PhD in Pharmacology at the University of Bologna, 2014
  • 2008: Founder Member of Società italiana di Osteoncologia (ISO)
  • 2013: Winner of Francesco Baracca Prize as a Senior Research (IRST) on Translational Research in Oncology 
  • 2014: Winner of Italian Berlucchi Prize for Young Researchers for the Publicaion entitled “Tumor-induced osteoclast miRNA changes as regulators and biomarkers of osteolytic bone metastasi”. Ell B, Mercatali L et al Cancer Cell, 2013 IF24.775 (II author)
  • 2022 member of the directive board of Società italiana di Osteoncologia (ISO)
  • Member of the Editorial Board and reviewer of several Scientific Journals
Positions held
  • 2019-2022 Coordinator of Osteoncology Unit, Bioscience Lab ,Istituto Romagnolo per lo Studio dei Tumori “Dino Amadori”IRST IRCCS Contratto Dirigenza della ricerca, Incarico di Coordinamento
  • 2015-2018: Senior Researcher, Translational Research  of Osteoncology and Rare Tumor Centre, Bioscience Lab, IRST IRCCS contratto dirigenza della ricerca (Protocollo Integrativo Aziendale Irst), Alta Specializzazione, 
  • 2008-2015: Junior Researcher, Technical collaborator of Scientific Research, Permanent position from  28/03/2013.
  • 2003: 2007: Junior Researcher, Laboratorio Biologico, Oncologia Ospedale Morgagni Pierantoni, Forlì

Italian: mother tongue
English: fluent


Excellent skills in the applications of tools for word processing, database management, graphical systems.

Teaching activities
  • 2006-2023 Thesis supervisor for several students of Bologna, Pesro-Urbino and Modena e Reggio Emilia University 
  • 2018- 2023 PhD supervisor of graduate students of Bologna and Brescia University 
Scientific activities
  • 2018-2023: Ministero della Salute Italiano: Bando GR-2016-02364704. Title: An in vitro and ex vivo model of biomimetic regenerative devices to treat bone metastases and soft tissue tumors: BIOBOS PROJECT. PI: Laura Mercatali
  • 2019: 2022: Ministero dell’Istruzione, Università e della Ricerca Italiano (MIUR) (Domanda n. ARS01_00769, Programma Operativo Nazionale 2018 PON) (Local PI): Nanofotonica per nuovi approcci diagnostici e terapEutici in Oncologia e Neurologia - NeON ". (PI Dr Ibrahim and from 30/01/2021 Pi Laura Mercatali)
  • 2019-2022:  POR-FESR EMILIA ROMAGNA 2014-2020. Bando 2018 Progetti di ricerca industriale strategica rivolti agli ambiti prioritari della Strategia di Specializzazione Intelligente. Principal Investigator and coordinator of the consortium. Project: “Sviluppo e validazione di biomateriali medicati nanostrutturati per il trattamento e la rigenerazione del tessuto Osseo metastatico – DINAMICA”, PI Dr Alberto Bongiovanni (Laura Mercatali was the head of the lab where experimental activities were performed)
  • 2020-2023:  Ministero della Salute Italiano: progetto RF-2018-12368004: “A tHeranostic approach to reduce local recurrence of MYxofibrosaRcomA (HYdRA) Pi Chiara Spadazzi (Laura Mercatali was the head of the lab where experimental activities were performed)
  • 2023-2025 Ministero della Salute Italiano: Bando POC-PNRR Ministero della Salute Italiano: Bando PNRR-POC-2022-12376579 Engineered lisyl oxidase lipid-based nanovesicles for the treatment of solid tumors: on the path to clinical application TRUST- PI Oriana Nanni, Co-PI Laura Mercatali
Clinical and/or Scientific interests

She is  interested in the development of innovative preclinical models to study tumor microenvironment, the crosstalk between cancer and stromal cells, and cancer cells and Extracellular matrix of bone metastases and sarcomas. The developed models are used as a platform for drug screening and to study pathway of aggressiveness in order to identify new molecular markers and candidate targets of innovative drugs.