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Brogini Silvia, MSc



Medical Biotechnologist

Current assignment

Health Researcher

Title of qualification awarded

2013: MSc in Pharmaceutical, veterinary and medical biotechnologies at the University of Bologna, final mark: 110/110, with honors.

Positions held
  • From 2020: Health researcher at unit Surgical Sciences and Technologies - IOR
  • 2013-19: Contract researcher at the Laboratory of Preclinical and Surgical Studies - IOR
  • 2013: Internship at the Laboratory of Preclinical and Surgical Studies, IOR
  • 2009-10: Internship at the Hematology and Medical Oncology Institute "L. e A. Seràgnoli", Bologna

English: fluent.


Excellent knowledge of the Microsoft application and Office Suite. Advanced knowledge of software for image analysis (Leica QWIN, Zeiss Axiovision, Aperio Scanscope CS System, ImageJ, Aperio Technologies). Microdurimetric biomechanical analysis (Durascan 70 Microdurimeter).

Scientific activities

Participation to the following projects:

  • 2017-19: "Modelli avanzati in vitro per lo studio di tecnologie innovative per la rigenerazione di lesioni condrali, osteocondrali ed ossee" ("Advanced in vitro models for the study of innovative technologies for the regeneration of chondral, osteochondral and bone lesions")
  • 2016-17: PRU research project "Regenerative Medicine of Cartilage and Bone"
  • 2015-16: "Biocompatibility and bioactivity in vitro and in vivo of biomaterials and scaffolds for bone tissue"
  • 2015: National Research Network Tissuenet
  • 2014-15: Framework agreement 2011-1784, BITTA Laboratory
  • 2013-14: "Patogenesi e bersagli molecolari di patologie degenerative dell’apparato muscolo-scheletrico" ("Pathogenesis and molecular targets of degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system").

Co-author of scientific papers published on international impacted journals. Occasional activity as a reviewer for the following journals: Acta Biomaterialia; Journal of applied Biomaterials & Functional Materials; BioMed Research International.

Clinical and/or Scientific interests
  • Preclinical research activity addressed to the scientific-industrial sector
  • In vitro and in vivo preclinical evaluations on cytocompatibility, biocompatibility, biofunctionality and bioactivity of novel materials, scaffolds and medical devices for the treatment and regeneration of organs and tissues of the musculo-skeletal system affected by acute, chronic and degenerative diseases (in accordance to ISO 10993 "Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices")
  • Set-up of bi-dimensional (2D) co-cultures and tri-cultures and development of three-dimensional (3D) dynamic models for the study of cellular and tissue interactions
  • Histological and histomorphometrical evaluations on decalcified or un-decalcified tissue (embedded in epoxy or acrylic resins)
  • Osseointegration and biocompatibility evaluation of materials and medical devices, with or without biological adjuvant, used in dentistry, maxillofacial and orthopedic surgery
  • Evaluation of engineered biomaterials, composites, metals, nanostructured ceramics and polymers for regenerative medicine
  • Biomechanical evaluations: microdurimetry for the assessment of bone mineralization.