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Desando Giovanna, Biologist




Current assignment

Health Researcher

Title of qualification awarded

2005: Degree in Biological Sciences at the University of Bologna, final mark: 110/110 cum laude.

Other qualifications awarded
  • 2019: Master in European Projects Design & Managment, Venice International University, final mark: 82/100
  • 2012: Post-graduation specialization in Clinical Pathology at the University of Bologna, final mark: 70/70 cum laude
  • 2005: Certificate of competency as biologist, University of Bologna.
Positions held
  • 2019-24: Health researcher at the RAMSES Laboratory, IOR
  • 2014-19: Research collaborator at the RAMSES Laboratory, IOR
  • 2013-14: Research collaborator at the Laboratory of Immunorheumatology and Tissue Regeneration, IOR
  • 2011: Research fellow at the Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, The Netherlands
  • 2010: Research fellow at the UMR CNRS, IFR31, Métabolisme, Plasticité et Mitochondrie Université de Toulouse III Paul Sabatier, France
  • 2008-14: Post-graduate student at the Laboratory of Immunorheumatology and Tissue Regeneration, IOR
  • 2007: Training Course at the International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS), Cardiff, UK
  • 2005-07: Collaborator in the Laboratory of Immunology and Genetics, IOR
  • 2004: Training at the Laboratory of Clinical Pathology, University of Bologna.
  • Italian: mother tongue
  • English: fluent, writing and speaking
  • French: fluent, writing and speaking
  • German: basic, writing and speaking.

Good knowledge of Microsoft Office, Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop CS5, NIS-Elements image analysis software, Graph Pad, search online on bibliographic databases and the Internet.

Teaching activities

Invited speaker at the following scientific events:

  • Unistem day 2018: "The long and fascinating trip of stem cell research" at the University G. D'Annunzio, Chieti-Pescara, Italy, 10th edition of the European day focused on the scientific advances on stem cell
  • Unistem day 2017: "The long and fascinating trip of stem cell research" at the University G. D'Annunzio, Chieti-Pescara, Italy, 10th edition of the European day focused on the scientific advances on stem cell;
  • 2017: Symposium "Cell-based therapies for cartilage repair" organized by the International cartilage Repair Society (ICRS) at the Tissue Engineering Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS)-EU congress, Davos, Switzerland
  • 2012: Contributor to a training course on histological aspects of rabbit articular cartilage in osteoarthritis, held in NUI Galway, Ireland during European Workshop in Imaging of Cartilage and Bone.
Scientific activities
Collaboration at the research projects in the last five years:
  • 2018-21: Industrial research project "Valutazione dell'efficacia della frazione vasculo-stromale in un modello sperimentale animale di osteoartrite"
  • 2014-18: Research project funded by the Ministry of Health "Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells as new minimally invasive regenerative treatment to target early osteoarthritis: from preclinical procedure selection to clinical application in a randomized double-blinded controlled trial" (RF-2011-02352638)
  • 2014-16: Project: "POR FESR 2007-2013 Asse 1 Attività I.1.1. "Creazione di Tecnopoli per la Ricerca Industriale". Custom implants-Progettazione e Realizzazione di tessuti ed endoprotesi su misura mediante tecnologie sottrattive ed additive. PG/2015/726346
  • 2014-15: Industrial research project "Valutazioni istologiche su biopsie osteocondrali".
  • 2007: Certificate of merit to the authors of the electronic poster in the 7th World Congress of the ICRS, Warsaw, Poland
  • 2008: Certificate of merit to the authors for the poster published in the National Meeting AICC, Bologna
  • 2012: ADIPOA Symposium Young investigator award (travel bursary) for the participation at the 3rd International Conference Strategies in Tissue Engineering, Wurzburg, Germany
  • 2013: Third Prize for the best oral presentation at the 1st Materials and Medicine International Conference, Faenza
  • 2015: Selected for the ICRS 2015 Travelling Scientist Fellowship in the US (New York, Missouri, Chicago)
  • 2020: Experimental Biology and Medicine (EBM) Outstanding Reviewer Award.
Scientific production:
Author and co-author of 33 publications on scientific journals with IF in Pubmed and Scopus. H index: 14 (Scopus). Co-author of three book chapters. Scientific communications in seminars and national/international congresses (updated July 2020). 
Other activities:
Reviewer for Biomaterials; Biomed Research International; Cartilage; Cell Transplantation; Experimental Biology and Medicine; Journal of Regenerative Medicine (Sci Technol); Knee Surgery, Sports, Traumatology, Arthroscopy; Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology; Stem Cells Translational Medicine; Tissue Engineering; International Journal of Molecular Sciences; Cell Transplantation; Journal of Clinical Medicine; Molecules; Pharmaceutics; Journal of Cellular Biochemistry; International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; International Journal of Molecular Sciences.
Participations to scientific communities: International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS) and Stem Cell Research (SCR), Italy.
Clinical and/or Scientific interests

Osteochondral biology: preclinical researches. Regenerative Medicine and tissue engineering approaches in the musculoskeletal field. Osteoarthritis and osteo-chondral pathologies.