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Di Pompo Gemma, PhD



Biologist, PhD (Biologist)

Current assignment

Post-doctoral researcher

Title of qualification awarded

2009: Master of Science in Biomedical Biology, with honors, University of Bologna.

Other qualifications awarded

2013: PhD in Biotechnology, Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Bologna.

2009: professional licence as Biologist, University of Bologna.

Positions held
  • From 2017: postdoctoral researcher at the Orthopaedic Pathophysiology and Regenerative Unit (Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute).
  • 2014: visiting researcher at the Orofacial Development and Regeneration Unit (Institute of Oral Biology, Center of Dental Medicine, University of Zurich, Switzerland).
  • 2011-17: research fellow at the Orthopaedic Pathophysiology and Regenerative Unit (Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute) and at the Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences – DIBINEM (University of Bologna).
  • 2011: research collaborator at the Orthopaedic Pathophysiology and Regenerative Unit (Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute).

Fluent English.

Good French.


Skills in using the Microsoft Office suite (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access), Microsoft Windows Operating Systems (98, 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 8), scientific data analysis and graphing software (GraphPad Prism, StatView, SigmaPlot), primer designing software (Oligo), image-editing software (Jask, GIMP), image analysis software (CellProfiler, ImageJ), graphic design programs (Affinity Designer, PagePlus, Adobe PageMaker), online databases (PubMed, GeneBank, Blast).

Teaching activities

2013–19: Assistant supervisor for degree theses in Medical Biology, Medical Biotechnology, Veterinary Biotechnology, Medicine and Surgery (University of Bologna).

Scientific activities
Participation to research projects:
  • 2017-20: “Acid microenvironment as a target for a cancer-associated bone pain” (ERANet-LAC Joint Project 2016), supported by the “7th Framework Programme” of the European Commission.
  • 2017-19: “IRMI – Creazione di un’infrastruttura multiregionale (Italian Regenerative Medicine Infrastructure) per lo sviluppo delle terapie avanzate finalizzate alla rigenerazione d’organi e tessuti”, supported by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research.
  • 2014-17: “Targeting tumor-stroma interaction in sarcoma microenvironment to inhibit the development of metastases”, supported by the Italian Association for Cancer Research (AIRC).
  • 2013-16: “Photodynamic therapy and proton pump inhibitors for the treatment of pain in patients with bone metastases”, supported by the Italian Association for Cancer Research (AIRC).
  • 2012-13: “Studio di fitocomplessi per la terapia delle malattie da alterato rimodellamento osseo” (“Study of phytocomplexes for the therapy of diseases due to altered bone remodeling”), supported by the Foundation Del Monte of Bologna and Ravenna.
  • 2011-14: “Multimodal treatment of musculoskeletal sarcomas by targeting proton dynamics and acidic microenvironment”, supported by the Italian Association for Cancer Research (AIRC).
  • 2011-14: “Cancer stem cells: signal transduction pathways as therapeutic targets” (FIRB project 2010), supported by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research.
  • 2009-12: “Nuove strategie catalitiche per la sintesi di molecole bioattive a base di bisfosfonati per la terapia e la diagnosi di malattie osteolitiche” (“New catalytic strategies for the synthesis of bioactive bisphosphonate-based molecules for the therapy and diagnosis of osteolytic diseases” PRIN project 2008), supported by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research.
Reviewer for “Pharmaceutics”, “International Journal of Molecular Sciences”, “Nutrients”, “Journal of Ethnopharmacology”, all indexed in Scopus and with impact factor. 
Author of 16 papers, citations: 245 (Scopus), H-Index: 10 (Scopus).
Co-author of the chapter “Bone stem cells” included in the book “Stem cells”, I ED. 2020, edited by G.P. Bagnara, L.Bonsi, F.Alviano – University of Bologna, published by Esculapio, ISBN: 978-8893851718.
First author of > 15 conference proceedings.
Member of the International Society of Cancer Metabolism (ISCAM).
  • 2014: EORS exchange travel grant financed by the European Orthopaedic Research Society (EORS).
  • 2018: Top Junior Scientist 2017 (Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute).
Clinical and/or Scientific interests
  • Biology and physiology of bone tissue.
  • Orthopedic oncology: study of the microenvironment in bone tumors to identify new pharmacological targets; study of the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the pathophysiology of cancer-induced bone pain; validation of the efficacy of anticancer drugs in blocking the progression of bone tumors; use of 3D bioprinting and microfluidic devices for the development of three-dimensional culture systems to be used as preclinical models of bone tumors.
  • Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine: 3D bioprinting; study of the biocompatibility and bioactivity of osteomimetic scaffolds.