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Pagani Stefania, MSc



Biologist, MSc

Current assignment

B-Level Professional Assignment: Cellular Models from healthy and pathologic tissues of the muscular-skeletal system

Title of qualification awarded

1996: Degree in Biological Sciences with honors, University of Bologna.

Other qualifications awarded

2004: Specialist qualification in Clinical Pathology, with honors, University, Italy, with an experimental thesis entitled "Assays of cell biology on polymeric scaffolds for bone tissue engineering".

Positions held
  • From 2020: Permanent executive biologist, B-level professional assignment "Cellular Models from healthy and pathologic tissues of the musculoskeletal system" at the Unit Surgical Sciences and Technologies, IOR
  • From 2020-present: person in charge of the Training activity
  • 2014-20: Permanent executive biologist, B-level professional assignment: "Cellular Models from healthy and pathologic tissues of the musculoskeletal system" at the Laboratory of Preclinical and Surgical Studies, IOR
  • From 2009: person in charge for the "Morphology and Biochemical Analysis" (MAB) sector
  • 2009-14: Permanent executive biologist, basic professional assignment: "Mesenchymal cell cultures", at the Laboratory of "Preclinical and Surgical Studies", IOR
  • 2006-09: Contract biologist at the Laboratory of "Immunology and Genetics", IOR
  • 2001-06: Contract biologist at the Laboratory of "Pathophysiology of Orthopaedic Implants", IOR
  • 1998-01: Contract biologist at the "Hematology and Medical Oncology Seragnoli Institute", St. Orsola-Malpighi Hospital, Bologna.

English (B1) and German (A2).


Knowledge and utilization of the Microsoft Windows XP operative system; Office suite (Word, Excel, Power Point); online bibliographic research; programs: Leica QWin for image analysis, Cardinis for the management of research projects, Blast for primers design.

Teaching activities

Correlator for degree theses in Dentistry, Biological Sciences and Medical Biotechnologies. 

Scientific activities
  • Participation to the European projects:
    • 2005-06: NANOBIOCOM: "Intelligent nanocomposite for bone tissue repair and regeneration"
    • 2001-03: ALUSI: "Development of alumina forming ods ferritic superalloys as new biomaterials for surgical implants"
  • Projects funded by the Italian Ministry for Research and Education:
    • "Pathogenesis and molecular targets of degenerative pathologies of the muscular-skeletal system" (FIRB)
  • Projects funded by private Foundations:
    • 2014-15: "The repair of critical bone defects with vascularized homologous bone graft and transplant of marrow stem cells: a study on animal model" (Del Monte Foundation of Bologna and Ravenna)
    • 2006-09: "Identification of molecular targets of therapeutic interest in osteoarthritis" (CARISBO Foundation)
  • Projects funded by the European Union:
    • 2014-20: Regional Operative Program POR-FESR: "Custom Implants-Design and manufacturing of customized tissues and endoprostheses by subtractive and additive technologies"
    • 2011-16: PON01_01059: "Development of a technological platform for the non-invasive treatment of oncological and infectious pathologies based on the use of focused ultrasounds"
    • National Operative Programs PON01-00829: "Innovative technological platforms for tissue engineering".
Author and co-author of 55 scientific publications on international impacted journals (HI: 19).
Member of the Italian Biomaterials Society (SIB).
Occasional activity as reviewer for the following journals: Current Rheumatology Reviews, Journal of Proteomics, Cell Death Disease, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Scandinavian Journal of Reumathology, Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, Clinical Interventions in Aging, Coatings, Molecules, BioMed Research International, Journal of Cellular Physiology, Tissue Engineering, Materials, Stem Cells Translational Medicine, Measurement, Polymers.
Guest editor for the journal "Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology".
Clinical and/or Scientific interests
Studies on pathologies of musculoskeletal system by advanced cell culture models with osteoblasts, osteoclasts, chondrocytes, tenocytes, endothelial cells, mesenchymal cells from bone marrow and adipose tissue, also in bi- and tri-culture.
Molecular pathways involved in the osteoarthritis development.
Regenerative medicine and tissue engineering; biological approaches (PRP) or physical approaches (low-intensity pulsed ultrasounds) for the in vitro regeneration of bone, cartilage and tendons.
Cytotoxicity and bio-compatibility of new materials, according to the ISO-10993 standard. Biocompatibility and osseointegration of metallic scaffolds manufactured via selective laser melting (3D printing).
Analysis of gene expression in PCR real time in cultured cells, soft tissues, cartilage, bone.