Main container

Maso Alessandra, MSc



MSc (Biology)

Current assignment

Head of the unit: Quality Control in GMP

Title of qualification awarded

Degree in Biology.

Other qualifications awarded

Specialization in Chemistry and Food Tecnology.

Positions held
  • Since 2014: Qualified Person and Quality Assurance of Cell Factory facilities (cells cultures in cGMP compliance).
  • Since 2012: person in charge of the organization of the Prometeo Laboratory. She is responsible for the planning and management of research projects; output approval of research projects; planning of validation activities; relationships with customers; relationship with the network.
  • Since 2002 she was been working at the Muscolosketletal Tissue Bank as head of clinical microbiology laboratory; she also became head of Quality Control at the laboratory of “Manipolazione cellulare estensiva” Cell Factory. She developed analytical methods for quality control of culture of human chondrocytes and mesenchymal stem cell cultures in according to the “Good Manufacturing Practices” (GMP) for clinical use.
  • From 2000 to 2001 she was employed at the Pathology Anatomy laboratory, Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute.
  • From 1997 to 2000 she was employed as biologist at the Clinical Laboratory, Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute. 
  • From 1993 to 1997, Dr Maso worked at the Clinical Laboratory and she has conducted research primarily in the field of bacteria adhesion in implant materials at the laboratory of Biocompatibility of Implant Materials, Research Institute Codivilla Putti, Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute.

Basic English and French.


Knowledge of major operating systems.

Scientific activities

Member of :

  • ASCCA (Associazione per lo Studio ed il Controllo della Contaminazione Ambientale);
  • AMCLI (Associazione Microbiologi Clinici Italiani).
Clinical and/or Scientific interests

Bacteriological investigation of prosthetic joint infections, osteomielytis and muscolo-skeletal infections.
Validation of analytical methods and manifacturing process for somatic cell theraphy in compliance with cGMP, European Pharmacopoeia.
Regenerative medicine in orthopedic surgery, translational research.