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Bellotti Chiara, MSc




Current assignment

Contract Biotechnologist

Title of qualification awarded

Master Degree in Biotechnology at the University of Bologna.

Other qualifications awarded

Auditor and lead Auditor of Quality Management systems (IMQ Formazione - expired).

Positions held
  • From 2016: research contract at the Laboratory of Orthopaedic Pathology and Osteoarticular Tissue Regeneration
  • 2011-16: research fellow for the Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences – DIBINEM (University of Bologna) assigned to the Laboratory of Orthopaedic Pathology and Osteoarticular Tissue Regeneration
  • 2005-10: microbiologist and HACCP consultant in a private enterprise with ISO 17025 certification, providing specialized analysis and technical advice to food factories, large-scale retail company.
  • English: fluent
  • French: basic.

Excellent knowledge of the Office Suite and of scientific data analysis and graphing software (GraphPad Prism). Good proficiency with software for the management and analysis of microscopy images (NIS Elements D, Image J) and image assembly (Photoshop).

Scientific activities
Participation to research projects:
  • From 2019: "An in vitro and ex vivo model of biomimetic regenerative devices to treat bone metastases and soft tissue tumors" financed by the GR "Ricerca Finalizzata" program of the Italian Ministry of Health
  • 2016-18: "Mesenchymal Stem Cells and photoactivable Nanoparticles: a novel Anticancer Phototherapy System for High grade Osteosarcoma Treatment financed by PE-Ricerca Finalizzata program of the Italian Ministry of Health
  • 2016-17: Industry commissioned research: "ENhancing the CYtocompatibility of biological polymers for Tissue Engineering applications"
  • 2015-17: MOdelling DISeases and Therapeutic Approaches using Mesenchymal stem cells, financed by the 5x1.000 fund.
  • 2012-15 "Valutazione degli aspetti di sicurezza di un nuovo approccio terapeutico a base di cellule staminali mesenchimali per il trattamento di patologie neoplastiche dell'apparato muscolo-scheletrico" financed by the FIRB program of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research.
Co-author of 7 publications on scientific journals with IF.
Scopus ID: 55825431000.
Other activities:
Reviewer for scientific journals: Cytotherapy, Journal of Clinical and Experimental Cancer Research.
Clinical and/or Scientific interests

Prevalent interests are: the use of mesenchymal stem cells in regenerative medicine applications or as drug carriers for the targeted treatment of Osteosarcomas, with particular attention to the regulatory and quality aspects of their isolation and preparation, and the translation from 2D to 3D in vitro biological models from the simplest spheroid model to the more spatial complexity of 3D-printed constructs.