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Contartese Deyanira, Biologist




Current assignment

Health Researcher

Title of qualification awarded
  • BSc in Biological Sciences, Department of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, Biosanitary specialization, University of Bologna
  • MSc in Health Biology, University of Bologna, with honors.
Other qualifications awarded

2014: National qualification as Biologist, University of Calabria. Member of the National Association of Biologists.

Positions held
  • From 2020: Health researcher, Unit Surgical Sciences and Technologies, IOR
  • 2020: Health Researcher, Laboratory of Preclinical and Surgical Studies, IOR
  • From 2019: PhD in Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences, Department of Medical Sciences, University of Ferrara
  • 2018-19: Research grant (Project "Oncologia di Precisione e Nuove Terapie Antitumorali – ONCOPENTA - Sviluppo di modelli preclinici e avanzati per il trattamento locale di tumori primitivi e metastatici"- "Precision Oncology and New Antitumoral Therapies - ONCOPENTA - Development of preclinical and advanced models for the local treatment of primary and metastatic tumors"), Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, University of Bologna and Laboratory of Preclinical and Surgical Studies, IOR
  • 2018: Contract researcher (Project "NIPROGEN - RER - Call for strategic industrial research projects POR-FESR 2014-2020 - Nature inspires innovative processes for the development of implants for regenerative medicine with a high degree of vascularization and mechanical performance"), Laboratory of Preclinical and Surgical Studies, IOR
  • 2016-18: Contract researcher (Project "Del Monte Foundation of Bologna and Ravenna - Cellule mesenchimali staminali da corpo vertebrale con prospettiva biologica innovativa per la chirurgia vertebrale" - "Mesenchymal stem cells from vertebral body with innovative biological perspective for vertebral surgery"), Laboratory of Preclinical and Surgical Studies, IOR
  • 2015-16: Contract researcher (Project "FIRB - Idrogeli nano compositi ibridi contenenti nano particelle ferromagnetiche per il trattamento dei tumori ossei primitivi e secondari" - "Hybrid nano composite hydrogels containing ferromagnetic nanoparticles for the treatment of primary and secondary bone tumors"), Laboratory of Preclinical and Surgical Studies, IOR
  • 2015: Contract researcher (Project "Valutazione in vitro ed in vivo di tecniche di ingegneria tessutale per la rigenerazione di osso e cartilagine" - "In vitro and in vivo evaluation of tissue engineering techniques for bone and cartilage regeneration"), Laboratory of Preclinical and Surgical Studies, IOR.

Fluent English.


Excellent knowledge of Windows operating systems, Office Suite, e-mail programs, file management, online bibliographic research, software for image acquisition, processing and analysis.

Scientific activities

Author and co-author of scientific publications on international impacted journals. Occasional scientific reviewer for international impacted journals. Drafting and collaboration in regional, national and international research projects.

Clinical and/or Scientific interests

Preclinical research activity in the scientific-industrial sector. In vitro and in vivo preclinical evaluations on biocompatibility, biofunctionality, bioactivity and therapeutic efficacy of biomaterials, scaffolds, prosthetic implants and biomedical devices according to current regulations (ISO 10993). Isolation, characterization and preparation of two-dimensional and three-dimensional tissue cultures, and cell cultures of primary lines of human and animal origin (monocytes, osteoblasts, osteoclasts, chondrocytes, tenocytes, fibroblasts, synoviocytes, mesenchymal stem cells, breast cancer cells, prostate carcinoma cells, solid tumor cells) for the study of pathophysiological mechanisms and effect of new drug therapies. Morphological, proliferation, vitality, cell differentiation, synthetic activity, cytokine release, enzyme immunoassay, histological immunohistochemistry, static and dynamic histomorphometric and immunofluorescence. Preparation of histological samples of soft tissues and bone tissue both decalcified (paraffin) and mineralized (resins), cutting and abrasion systems, scanning with high resolution digital scanner. Development of in vitro and in vivo experimental models for the study of bone metastases, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system (osteoarthritis, osteoporosis), osteointegration of biomaterials and scaffolds used in prosthetic surgery and regeneration of bone and cartilage tissue. Evaluation of cellular and biophysical therapies.