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Manila Boarini, Psychologist


Clinical Psychologist - Psychotherapist
Current assignment

Research assistant

Title of qualification awarded
  • 2010: Post Graduate Certification in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
  • 2006: MSc in Psychotraumatology
  • 2004: MSc in Clinical and Community Psychology.
Other qualifications awarded
  • 2010: Registered Psychotherapist
  • 2006: Registered Clinical Psychologist
  • 2006: Licensed Psychologist.
Positions held
  • From 2014: Research Assistant at the Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute - Department of Rare Skeletal Disorders & CLIBI Laboratory. Collaboration with national and international patients associations; development of modules and datasets for Rare Disease Registries according to ontologies/dictionaries (HPO, ORDO, HGVS) and national/international regulations and laws (e.g., GDPR) in strict collaboration with the software provider for the development of IT tools; data collection activities, including subject recruitment for research studies and study monitoring; monitoring of data quality control to ensure adherence to study protocol; conduction of literature searches and fact-finding research to support project development; performing research data analysis and interpretation and drafting of statistical reports on the data using statistical software (SPSS); drafting of protocols, informed consent forms, amendments and other necessary documents for review by the IRB; assistance to the study Principal Investigator in developing, submitting, and providing content for grants, abstracts, manuscripts, and designing presentations
  • 2009-14: Consultant Clinical Psychologist (apprenticeship) at the Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute - Department of Medical Genetics and Rare Orthopaedic Diseases. Psychological support to rare disease outpatients and inpatients and their relatives during the genetic counselling visit; creation and development of collaboration with patients associations; assisting genetic counsellors in disseminating post-counselling documentation to patients and clinicians; definition and improvement of treatment strategies for rare disease patients within multidisciplinary teams
  • 2008-09: Junior Researches at the University of Bologna - Department of Psychology, Cesena (Italy). Participation in the design of a research study regarding conversational analysis on telephone interactions during emergency among rescue workers and people, to define best practices to manage the emergency; direct communication to participants regarding the research study; conduction of quantitative (SPSS) and qualitative content analysis (Conversational Analysis); transcription and coding of audiotapes for use in qualitative studies; monitoring of data quality control to ensure adherence to study protocols; conducting literature searches and fact-finding research to support project development.
  • Italian: mother language
  • English: fluent.
  • Statistical interpretation and data analysis using statistical software (SPSS)
  • Database/Registry management
  • Knowledge of ontologies, dictionaries and thesauri.
Scientific activities
  • Patients engagement for research studies
  • Quality of life in people affected by rare skeletal diseases 
  • Development and management of IT platforms for patients affected by rare diseases 
  • Data collection, management and quality.
Clinical and/or Scientific interests
  • Medical Genetics and Rare Diseases
  • Quality of Life
  • Psychotraumatology 
  • Mood Disorders 
  • Anxiety Disorders 
  • Addictions 
  • Personality Disorders 
  • Mental Health 
  • Health Psychology.