- Author of numerous scientific articles published in international peer-reviewed journals.
- Author of 10 book chapters, both national and international
- Author and co-author of 5 educational videos on innovative surgical
techniques. - Active collaborator in various research projects and clinical trials
focused primarily on biomechanics and innovative technologies in
knee and shoulder surgery.
Memberships in Scientific Societies:
- S.I.A.G.A.S.C.O.T. (Italian Society of Knee Arthroscopy, Cartilage, and Orthopedic Technologies) since 2018.
- S.I.C.S.e G. (Italian Society of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery) since 2018.
- E.S.S.K.A. (European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery, and Arthroscopy) since 2020.
- S.I.O.T. (Italian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology) since 2018.
- I.S.A.K.O.S. (International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery, and Orthopedic Sports Medicine) since 2020.
Reviewer for International Scientific Journals:
- The Knee Journal
- BMC Musculoskeletal Surgery
- Journal of Clinical Medicine
- KSSTA (Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy)