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Laginestra Maria Antonella, PhD




Current assignment


Title of qualification awarded
  • 2022: Master's Degree in International Bologna Master in Bioinformatics, Bologna University. Thesis title: “Reverse engineering to infer gene regulatory networks in normal and tumor transcriptomes".
  • 2004: Master of Science in Biology, Pisa University. Thesis title: “Screening in vitro of some newly synthesized hydroxamic compounds for inhibitory activity on seven different matrixins (extracellular matrix metalloproteinases, MMPs)"
Other qualifications awarded
  • 2013: PhD in Clinical and Experimental Hematology and Hematopathology, University of Bologna. Dissertation title: “microRNA Profiling in Peripheral T Cell Lymphomas”.
  • 2009: Specialization in Medical Genetics, University of Bologna. Thesis title: "Genomic profiling study based on the Array SNPs technique in patients with Myelofibrosis".
  • 2006: Qualification as Biologist, Bologna University
Positions held
  • 09/01/2022-to present: Researcher at the Experimental Oncology Laboratory, IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna. Project :RNA and Whole Exome Sequencing analysis of the aggressive Sarcoma tumor.
  • 01/02/2020- 08/312022: Researcher at the Experimental Oncology Laboratory,IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna Project: Bioinformatic analysis of RNA-Sequencing in Sarcoma tumor.
  • 07/2016-04/2019: Researcher at the Molecular Pathology laboratory, Department of Hematology and Oncological Sciences “L. & A. Seràgnoli", University of Bologna. Project: “Innovative approaches to the diagnosis and pharmacogenetic-based therapies of primary hepatic tumours, peripheral B and T-cell lymphomas and lymphoblastic leukaemias”.
  • 11/2015-02/2016: Researcher at the Clinical Hematoncology Laboratory Unit at the European Institute of Oncology (IEO), Milan. Project title: “Blastic Plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm: from genomics to therapy”.
  • 11/2013-10/2015: Research fellow at the Molecular Pathology laboratory, Department of Hematology and Oncological Sciences “L. & A. Seràgnoli ", University of Bologna. Project: "Massive genome sequencing of hemato-lymphoid tumors".
  • 01/2013-10/2013: Fellowship provided by ABSTE: "Associazione Bolognese Studi Tumori Ematologici" at the Molecular Pathology laboratory Department of Hematology and Oncological Sciences "L. & A. Seràgnoli", University of Bologna. Project: "Genetic-molecular characterization of peripheral T-cell lymphomas"
  • 01/2010-12/2012: Fellowship for the PhD in Biomedical Sciences: Clinical and Experimental Hematology and Hematopathology, University of Bologna. Project: microRNA Profiling in Peripheral T Cell Lymphomas.
  • 12/2004-11/2005: Fellowship at the Department of Biochemistry, University of Pisa. Research activity: “Characterization of the role of metalloproteinases in the extracellular matrix”.

Italian: mother tongue
English: good

Bioinformatics skills:
  • Operating systems: UNIX (Linux e OSX), Microsoft Windows, Perl
  • Programming languages: Bash, R, Python
  • Use of specific pipelines for Whole Exome sequencing, RNA-sequencing, Targeted Sequencing data analysis
  • Use of the R (Bioconductor) package for gene expression analysis.
Molecular Biology Skills - High throughput techniques: 
  • Whole Exome (WES) and Whole Transcriptome (RNA-seq) Sequencing: libraries preparation, quantification (Picogreen, RealTime and Qubit) and validation (Bioanalyzer); sequencing platforms NextSeq 500 and MiSeq (Illumina)
  • Gene Expression Profiling and microRNAs profiling using Affymetrix and Illumina (DASL for FFPE samples) technology.
Scientific activities

Papers listed on PubMed