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Guerrieri Ania Naila, MSc, PhD



PhD, Medical Biotechnologist

Current assignment


Title of qualification awarded
  • 2013: B.Sc. Degree in Biotechnology, University of Bologna
  • 2015: M. Sc. Degree in Medical Biotechnology, University of Bologna
  • 2020: PhD in Oncology, Hematology and Pathology, University of Bologna.
Other qualifications awarded

2020: Qualification for the profession of Biologist.

Positions held
  • From 2019: Biotechnologist at the Laboratory of Orthopaedic Pathology and Osteoarticular Tissue Regeneration; Supervisor Prof. Davide Maria Donati
  • 2016-19: PhD student in Oncology, Hematology and Pathology, Clinical Pathology Laboratory of the Sant'Orsola Hospital, DIMES, Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna; Supervisor Prof. Lorenzo Montanaro
  • 2018: Visiting PhD Student at the Cell Metabolism and Homeostasis Laboratory, Institute of Genetic & Molecular Medicine (IGMM), University of Edinburgh; Supervisor Dr Andrew Finch (4 months)
  • 2016: Scholarship in Clinical Pathology, Clinical Pathology Laboratory of the Sant'Orsola Hospital, DIMES, Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna; Supervisor Prof. Lorenzo Montanaro (6 months).

Fluent English.


IT skills: Good command of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint); data analysis software (e.g. GraphPrism); databases use (e.g. NCBI, PubMed, cBIO portal).

Professional technological skills: Primary and immortalized cells culture and mantainment; Proliferation, Invasion, Adhesion and Clonogenic assay; Polysomes Fractionation; RNA/DNA/Protein extraction, PCR; RT-PCR; RealTime-qPCR; Western blot; Immunofluorescence; Next Generation Sequencing (Junior 454 Roche); Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP); Calcium Phosphate and PEI Transfection; Retroviral and Lentiviral Production; Viral Transduction; siRNAs silencing; Ribosomes Purification; In Vitro Translation assays (Penzo et al. Nat Prot. 2016).

Teaching activities

2018: Tutoring role for didactic laboratories in Clinical Pathology for M.Sc. Degree students in Medical Biotechnology, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna; Supervisor Prof. Lorenzo Montanaro.

Scientific activities
  • Scopus ID: 57194450063
  • Orcid ID: 0000-0002-2163-6476.
Clinical and/or Scientific interests

Biomaterials for bone primary tumors, sarcomas and bone metastasis treatment and regeneration, molecular pathways involved in bone primary tumors, sarcomas and bone metastasis onset, 3D printing, in vitro and ex vivo 3D models development, translational regulation of breast to bone metastasis.