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Sciandra Marika, PhD



Biotechnologist, Biologist, PhD

Current assignment

PhD in Cellular, Molecular and Industrial Biology, Researcher

Title of qualification awarded
  • 2005: Degree in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, with honors, University of Bologna
  • 2012: Degree in Biological Sciences, with honors, University of Bologna
Other qualifications awarded
  • 2010: PhD in Cellular, Molecular and Industrial Biology, University of Bologna, Italy
  • 2012: National qualification as Biologist
Positions held
  • From 2020: research activity as a professional collaborator in health research at the Laboratory of Experimental Oncology, IOR
  • 2016-19: PostDoc fellow at Laboratory of Experimental Oncology, IOR
  • 2014-16: PostDoc fellow at PROMETEO Laboratory, TECNOPOLO, IOR
  • 2012-14: PostDoc fellow at Laboratory of Experimental Oncology, IOR, to study the molecular mechanisms underlying the cross-talk between MDM2 and IGF system associated with activation of the CD99 molecule in sarcomas
  • 2010-12: PostDoc fellow at Laboratory of Experimental Oncology, IOR, to explore the functional and hierarchical relationship between CD99 and Wnt pathway in osteosarcoma cell lines
  • 2009: PhD fellow for the Italian Association of Cancer Research (AIRC) at Laboratory of Experimental Oncology, IOR, Bologna, for cellular and molecular analyses to clarify the role of CD99 in promoting osteoblast differentiation of osteosarcoma cells
  • 2007-08: Research fellow at Laboratory of Experimental Oncology, IOR, for studies to define the function and mechanisms of CD99 role with respect to tumoral malignancy in sarcomas and osteoblast differentiation (European projects Prothets and EuroBoNet)
  • 2005-06: Research fellow at Laboratory of Experimental Oncology, IOR.
  • Fluent English
  • Basic French.

Excellent computer skills, including the use of standard Office softwares, digital imaging software (Adobe Photoshop), Internet, on-line bioinformatic tools (GeneGo, Ingenuity), and on-line biology-related software (PubMed, GeneBank, Blast).

Scientific activities

Research projects:

  • From 2016: Research project founded by Italian Association for Cancer Research: “Targeting CD99, a master regulator of bone sarcoma metastasis and malignancy: molecular mechanisms and pharmacological inhibition”
  • 2016-17: “PROspective VAlidation of Biomarkers in Ewing Sarcoma for personalised translational medicine – PROVABES”
  • 2007-13: Progetto Tecnopolo: “POR-FESR 2007-2013 - creazione di Tecnopoli per la Ricerca Industriale - Finanziato dalla Regione Emilia-Romagna
  • 2012-14: My First AIRC “Role of Insulin Receptor in sarcomas”
  • 2008-11: Italian Ministry of Health “Genes regulating osteoblastogenesis as new therapeutic targets for bone tumors”
  • 2007-09: AIRC “Molecular therapy of bone sarcomas: the targeting of genes required for osteoblastogenesis as a new strategy”
  • 2006-11: European Union “EuroBoNet, European Network to Promote Research into Uncommon Cancers in Adults and Children: Pathology, Biology and Genetics of Bone Tumours”
  • 2005-08: European Union “Prothets, prognosis and therapeutic targets in the Ewing family of tumors”.
Clinical and/or Scientific interests

Study of molecular mechanisms in bone tumors. To clarify the role of the CD99 molecule in promoting osteoblastic differentiation of osteosarcoma cells. To identify and evaluate microRNAs in Ewing sarcoma involved in tumor progression and survival. Analysis of exosome function in sarcoma malignancy in vitro and in vivo.