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Lucarelli Enrico, PhD



PhD, Biologist

Current assignment

Responsible of the unit "Regenerative Therapies in Oncology" (TRO) (delib. n.289 del 28/09/2021)

Title of qualification awarded
  • Degree in Biological Science at the University of Bologna
  • PhD in Biomedical and Biotechnologic Sciences at the University of Bologna.
Other qualifications awarded
  • From 2018: Vice president of the Italian Group Mesenchymal Stem Cells
  • 2017-19: Assistant Affiliate Member, Houston Methodist Research Institute, Houston, Texas, USA
  • 2005: Ability to perform the role of Technical Director in pharmaceutical factories issued by the Italian Pharmaceutical Agency.
Positions held
  • From 2007: Biologist at the Unit of Orthopaedic Pathology and Osteoarticular Tissue Regeneration, IOR
  • 2002-07: Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Laboratory of Immunorheumatology and tissue regeneration, IOR
  • 1997-02: Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Laboratory of Oncological Research, IOR
  • 1992-97: Post-Doctoral Visiting Fellow at the Cell and Molecular Biology Section, Paediatric Branch, National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA
  • 1990-91: Visiting Scientist at the Laboratory of Oncology of the 4th Division of Pediatrics, Hematology and Oncology of the Giannina Gaslini Institute in Genoa.

Fluent in English and Spanish.


Excellent skills in the applications of tools for word processing, database management, graphical systems.

Teaching activities
  • 2016: Programa de doctorado en Biologia Avanzada, linea de investigación Bioingeniería y Regeneracíon Tisular, Università di Malaga, Spain
  • 2006: Doctorate program of the University Federico II, Naples. Faculty of Biotechnology
  • 2005: Doctorate program of the University of Florence. Faculty of Biotechnology.
Scientific activities
  • Scopus ID: 6701762138
  • Orcid ID: 0000-0002-6681-6374
  • Research ID: G-3588-2015
  • H-index Scopus: 28
  • H-index Google Scholar: 32

Research projects participation in the last 5 years:

  • 2016-20: Italian Association for Cancer Research, Stem cells and innovative Nanoparticles as Anticancer Phototherapy System for High grade Osteosarcoma Treatment. Coordinator Dr. Serena Duchi, ISOF CNR, Bologna
  • 2016-20: Italian Ministry of Health: "Ricerca Finalizzata", project PE2013-02354871 Mesenchymal Stem Cells and photoactivable Nanoparticles: a novel Anticancer Phototherapy System for High grade Osteosarcoma Treatment; coordinator Prof. Davide Maria Donati, IOR, in collaboration with Dr. Greta Varchi, ISOF CNR, Bologna, Prof. Mauro Ferrari, Houston Methodist Research Institute, Houston USA
  • 2018-21: "Ricerca Finalizzata", project GR-2016-02364704 An in vitro and ex vivo model of biomimetic regenerative devices to treat bone metastases and soft tissue tumors; coordinator Dr. Laura Mercatali, IRTS Meldola, Italy, in collaboration with Dr. Michele Iafisco CNR, Faenza (RA), Italy
  • 2020-23: Head of an Operative Unit for the Research Project "Ricerca Finalizzata" RF-2018-123680004 A theranostic approach to reduce local reoccurrence of myxofibrosarcoma. Coordinator Dr. Toni Ibrahim, IRTS Meldola, Italy, in collaboration with. Dr. Greta Varchi, ISOF CNR, Bologna
  • 2019-21: Emilia-Romagna Region, Head of an Operative Unit for the Research Project "Sviluppo e validazione di biomateriali medicati nanostrutturati per il trattamento e la rigenerazione del tessuto Osseo metastatico", Call POR-FESR Emilia-Romagna 2014-2020. Coordinator Dr. Toni Ibrahim, IRTS Meldola, Italy, in collaboration with Dr. Anna Tampieri CNR, Faenza (RA), Bologna, Prof. Emanule Giordano UNIBO, Bologna, Dr. Massimo Dominici TMP, Modena.
Clinical and/or Scientific interests

Interested in the identification of new molecular targets for therapeutic approaches for neuroblastoma, osteosarcoma and myxofibrosarcoma. 

His interests are not limited to the treatment of tumors, but also include the development of innovative therapeutic approaches for the reconstruction of tissues in patients after the resection of the tumor. In particular, he is an expert in mesenchymal stem cells. Currently, he is taking advantage of his experience in oncology and tissue engineering to develop an in vitro and ex vivo 3D disease models.