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Gambardella Alessandro, PhD




Current assignment

Health Researcher

Title of qualification awarded

2003: Master Degree in Physics (Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II").

Other qualifications awarded

a.y. 2003-04: Ph.D. in Physics (Title of the dissertation: "A Microscopic and Spectroscopic Study of Innovative Molecular Materials", University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)

Positions held
  • 2019-20: Researcher (temporary contract) at the Laboratory of Biomechanics e Technological Innovation (Biomec), IOR
  • 2019: Researcher (temporary collaboration) at the Laboratory of Biomechanics e Technological Innovation (Biomec), IOR
  • 2017-18: Person in charge of scientific formation
  • 2014-19: Researcher (temporary collaboration) at the Laboratory of di Nanobiotechnology (Nabi), IOR
  • 2009-14: Researcher (Post Doc) at the Institute of Nanostructured Materials of the National Research Council (ISMN-CNR), Bologna
  • 2007-09: Researcher (Post Doc) at the Research Center SPIN-Coerenthia - National Research Council (SPIN-CNR), Naples.
  • Italian (mother language)
  • English (excellent written and spoken skills)
  • French (good skills).
Word processor, databases, graphical software, computing software for experimental data processing (Origin, Mathematica) and image elaboration (Wsxm, SPIP, Gwyddion, Irfan View, Image J et similia). 
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy (STS-STM), Atomic Force Microscopy, Magnetic Force Microscopy and Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (AFM-MFM-KPFM), Scanning Electron Microscopy and Elemental Microanalysis (SEM-EDS), measurements of wettability via Contact Angle (CA) estimation, High and Ultra-High Vacuum (HV-UHV) technology, Physical and Chemical Vapor (PVD-CVD) deposition techniques of  micro- and nanostructured coatings, functionalization and preparation of surfaces by physical (plasma-based techniques) and chemical (liquid-phase deposition) techniques, electrical transport measurements. X-Ray Photoemission Spectroscopy (XPS) and quantitative analysis. 
Teaching activities
  • From 2012: Tutor and/or Co-supervisor of theses for graduating and post graduated students
  • From 2011: Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, theory and practical lessons (Science of Nanostructured Materials course, Department of Chemistry G. Ciamician, Faculty of Chemistry and Molecular Fotochemistry, University of Bologna)
  • From 2018: Nanotechology, microscopy and image processing for high-school students at the Golinelli Foundation, Bologna
  • 2016: Nanotechnology and Microscopy (Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute)
  • 2010-11: Introductory School of Scanning Probe Microscopy, ISMN-CNR, Bologna
  • 2004–06: Electromagnetism 2nd course at the Physics Department, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, IT.
Scientific activities

Participation to Research Projects:

  • 2018-2019: METACOS PCR 1/1 ("Nuove metodologie per il trattamento delle amputazioni d'arto mediante osteointegrazione INAIL" CUP E55F16000020005, for the fabrication and characterization of thin films of ceramics and metals by pulsed electron ablation)
  • 2018: NANOCOATINGS ("Nuovi film antibatterici nanostrutturati per applicazione in campo biomedicale", Project POR FESR 2014 2020, AXIS 1 Research and Innovation. Action 1. 2. 2, CUP D32I16000040009, for the fabrication and characterization of biocompatible and antibacterial thin metallic coarings) 
  • 2016–18: Projects "Nanostructured coating enhancing material performances in joint arthroplasty" and "Adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells as new minimally invasive regenerative treatment to target early steoarthritis: from pre-clinical procedure selection to clinical", for nanomechanical analysis of naostructured surfaces of biomaterials 
  • 2014–16: POR FESR 2007 2013 - "Creazione di Tecnopoli per la Ricerca Industriale-Piattaforma tecnologica: Scienza della Vita". Characterization of new materials and biomaterials by scanning probe microscopy and spectroscopy 
  • 2011–14: IFOX (FP7-NMP-2009-LARGE-3 Interfacing Oxides, ISMN/009/11_BO). Study of surface properties of complex oxides
  • 2010–11: PRIN - "Spintronic properties and bistability in innovative n-type organic materials" (ISMN/0007/2010/BO). Magnetic and magnetoresistive characterization of hybrid organic-inorganic nanostructures for spintronics
  • 2010: ONE-P, co-founded by the European Committee. Implementation of print technology on polymeric and oxide thin films
  • 2009–10: Project INTERMECH in the framework of the regional plan for industrial research, innovation and technological transfer (ISMN-BO/0005/09). Morphological, structural and electromagnetic characterization of ceramic, hard, ultra hard and self lubricant thin films
  • 2007–09: NANOXIDE (Selection Call n. INFM AR 18/2007 del 01/03/2007), design of a Field Effect Scanning Tunnel Microscope.
  • 2014: Participation Award (International Microscopy Congress-IMC 2014, Prague, CZ)
  • 2011: Carla Milanesi Award (Best presentation, 10th Multinational Congress on Microscopy-MCM 2011, Urbino, IT)
Member of the Italian Society for Microscopic Sciences (Società Italiana di Scienze Microscopiche - SISM).
Oral/Poster presentations at tens of national and international meetings. The most recent ones:
  • StSPM19EV - Science through Scanning Probe Microscopy 2019 (Bologna, 2019 - Oral presentation upon invitation)
  • MSSM2018 - 5th International Conference on Material Science and Smart Materials (Glasgow, University of the West of Scotland, SCT, 2018- Oral presentation).
Beam time: ESRF (Grenoble, FR, 2004), ELETTRA (Trieste, IT, 2012). 
Schools of nanotechnology and nanomaterials:
  • Cargese, Corse, 2006
  • Nurnberg, Germany, 2012 
>40 publications (Scholar) including papers and congress proceedings in international, impacted and peer-reviewed journals.
Article review activity for impacted and peer-reviewed journals on a wide range of expertise such as Biomaterials, Surface Sciences, Solid State Sciences, Microscopy, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering.
Clinical and/or Scientific interests

Biomaterials for innovative applications in biomedicine and orthopedy, especially concerning their micro and nanostructure.

Metals, ceramics, polymers and their modelling during additive and erosive processes.

Nanobiomechanics of tissues, development and implementation of multi scale models to study the correlation between surface morphology and functional properties  by means of approximated and low-cost methods.