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Dr. Cavalieri Bruno




Title of qualification awarded

Degree in Medicine and Surgery, 2015, University of Rome “La Sapienza” (110/110). Thesis: 'Total Hip Replacement in patients older than 80 years old”

Other qualifications awarded

Specialisation in Orthopaedics and Traumatology, 2021, Università degli studi di Bologna (50/50) with honours. Thesis: “Joint line evaluation in Total Knee Replacement with medial pivot design and kinematic alignment”


Italiano: native
Inglese: excellent 
Tedesco: scholastic 


Ottima capacità nell’uso dei sistemi operativi Windows, MacOS e iOS. Lunga esperienza nell’utilizzo di applicativi Office e di visualizzazione di immagini biomediche

Scientific activities


Clinical and/or Scientific interests

Total knee replacement, Total Hip replacement, Traumatology