Main container

Campoccia Davide, MSc, PhD



Senior Research Biologist

Title of qualification awarded

1988 Laurea in Biological Sciences, full marks, University of Padua, Italy

Other qualifications awarded

1981 Secondary school focusing on humanities, Liceo Classico 'G. Marconi', Portogruaro (Venice), Italy
1989 Admission to the Free Profession of Biologist, University of Padua, Italy
1996 Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Department of Clinical Engineering, University of Liverpool, UK

Positions held

1990 Research fellow, New Technology Division, Fidia Spa, Abano Terme (PD), Italy.
1991 Research fellow funded by Fidia Spa, at the Inst. of Medical & Dental Bioengineering University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK.
1992-1993 External Research Scientist for Fidia Advanced Biopolymers (FAB) Srl, at the Department of Clinical Engineering, University of Liverpool, UK.
1994 Research Scientist, FAB  Srl, Abano Terme (PD), Italy.
1995 Expert in Research Activity (permanent contract), FAB Srl.
1996-1997 R&D Project Leader (responsible for the project: Artificial cartilage), FAB Srl.
1998-2000 Manager (Level A contract), Distrex Spa,  Padua, Italy
2000-2005 Senior Research Biologist, Research Laboratory on Biocompatibility of Implant Materials, IOR, Bologna, Italy
2005 Senior Research Biologist, Research Unit on Implant Infections, IOR, Bologna, Italy


Senior Research Biologist, Research Unit on Implant Infections, IOR, Bologna, Italy.

Scientific activities

Scientific and clinical interests
His background is in cytomorphology, electron microscopy, biocompatibility of implant materials using in vitro and in vivo techniques, in vitro behaviour and interactions of murine and human cells exposed to biomaterials, leukocyte activation and phagocytosis following the contact with resorbable biomaterials, quantitative analysis of tissue response to resorbable biomaterials, and tissue-engineering, with special reference to cartilaginous tissues and skin. Currently his attention is especially focused on the study of implant-related infections, the role of new emerging opportunistic pathogens and their characterization in terms of virulence and antibiotic resistance traits, implant materials and their characteristics of bacterial adhesiveness and resistance to infection, techniques of quantitative evaluation of microbial adhesion, and new strategies to interfere with bacterial adhesion and colonization on biomaterial surfaces.

54 papers (53 of which in international journals quoted by Journal Citation Reports, ISI), including these 6 invited reviews and an opinion letter.

Participation in Research Projects
In the period 2000-2005 he took part to 1 Target research project of the Italian Health Ministry, and 4 projects of the Fundamental Oriented Research Funds, supported by the University of Bologna. 

Reviewer of Scientific Journals: Biomaterials, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part A..

Memberships: ESB (European Society for Biomaterials), AICC (Italian Association for Cell Culture).