Main container

Veronesi Francesca, PhD



Medical biotechnologist

Current assignment

Health Researcher

Title of qualification awarded

2006: MSc in Medical biotechnology, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Bologna, final mark: 110/110, with honors.

Other qualifications awarded
  • 2004: BSc in Biotechnology, University of Bologna, final mark: 103/110
  • 2009: Qualification for the profession of Biologist, University of Bologna
  • 2012: Ph.D in Biomaterials, University of Pisa.
Positions held
  • From 2020: Health Researcher at the Unit Surgical Sciences and Technologies, IOR
  • 2019-20: Health Researcher at the Laboratory of Preclinical and Surgical Studies, IOR
  • 2018-19: Contract researcher at the Laboratory of Preclinical and Surgical studies, IOR;
  • 2014-19: Contract researcher (Operative Program FESR 2007-2013 by the Emilia-Romagna Region, task I 1.1 "Creation of Research Technopoles for Industrial Research")
  • 2011-14: Contract researcher within the European Project FIRB "Patogenesi e bersagli molecolari di patologie degenerative dell'apparato muscolo-scheletrico" ("Pathogenesis and molecular targets of degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system"), project n. RBAP10KCNS, at the Laboratory of Preclinical and Surgical studies, IOR
  • 2010-11: Contract researcher within the European project ADIPOA "Adipose derived stromal cells for steoarthritis", FP7 project, at the Laboratory of Preclinical and Surgical studies, IOR
  • 2007-10: Contract researcher within the M.I.U.R. project FIRB "Rete Nazionale di Ricerca TissueNet-Piattaforma-Reti" ("National Research Network TissueNet-Platform Networks"), protocol n. RBPR05RSM2, at the Laboratory of Preclinical and Surgical studies, IOR.

English: fluent.


Excellent level of knowledge of the main operational suites of Office and Windows: Word, Excel, Power Point, Publisher.
Experience in literature search using: PubMed, OMIM, MITOMAP.
Use of software: Sequencing Analysis, Seq-Scape, GeneMapper, Sequencer and Chromas. Use of image analysis systems, flow cytometry, ELISA and optical, inverted and fluorescence microscope. Mastery of binarization of a histological image and analysis with X-ray computed microtomography.

Scientific activities

Writing of scientific papers and literature reviews in international journals as author or co-author regarding:

  • cells stem harvested from different tissues for the regeneration of bone, cartilage and tendons
  • biocompatibility, biofunctionality and bioactivity of biomaterials for the regeneration of musculoskeletal system tissues
  • biophysical therapies for the regeneration of cartilage and osteocartilagineous defects.

Member of the Italian Society for Biomaterials and of the Italian Society of Muscles, Ligaments and Tendons (I.S.Mu.L.T.).
Reviewer of scientific articles for the following journals: Connect Tissue Res, Cell Physiol Biochem, JOPA, Stem Cells, Stem Cells Dev.
Writing of and participation in research regional, national and international projects.

Clinical and/or Scientific interests

Biocompatibility and therapeutic efficacy (ISO 10993) of biomaterials and tissue engineering techniques for regeneration of bone, cartilage and tendon tissues of scientific-industrial interest.