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Curreli Cristina, Eng.



Biomedical Engineer

Current assignment


Title of qualification awarded

2015: Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering, Score 110/110 - Università di Pisa.

Other qualifications awarded

2019: PhD in Mechanical Engineering, title: “Combining musculoskeletal and FE models to predict contact mechanics and wear in total knee arthroplasty” at the University of Pisa.

Positions held
  • 2019: Research assistant at the University of Pisa. Project: “Fracture healing evaluation through mechanical vibration approach”.
  • 2018: Visiting scholar at the Imperial College London, UK. Project: “Prediction of knee joint forces during walking using OpenSim musculoskeletal modelling”.
  • 2010: Visiting scholar at the Imperial College London, UK. Project: “Using digital image correlation to determine bone surface strains during loading.

English: fluent

Teaching activities
  • 2019–today: Didactical support for the course: “Biomeccanica Computazione”, MSc in Mechanical Engineering, University of Bologna.
  • 2019–2020: Didactical support for the course: “Biomeccanica della Funzione Motoria”, MSc in Mechanical Engineering, University of Bologna.
  • 2016-2019: Didactical support for the course: “Meccanica Applicata al Sistema Muscolo Scheletrico”, MSc in Biomedical Engineering, University of Pisa.
  • 2011: Didactical support for the course: “Meccanica e Costruzioni Biomeccaniche”, BSc in Biomedical Engineering, University of Cagliari.  
Scientific activities

The research activities mainly focus on:

  • Credibility of computational models and regulatory science related to the adoption of these new technologies in clinical practice (project H2020 - STRITUVAD)
  • Finite Element wear modeling
Clinical and/or Scientific interests

In Silico Medicine – Computational Biomechanics – Finite Element modelling – Credibility assessment of computation modelling.