Main container

Dr. Lorena Casareto




Current assignment

Administrative research assistant

Title of qualification awarded

Bachelor's degree Business Administration and Management 

Other qualifications awarded

"Fundamentals of Biobanking and Cohort Research", University of Groningen Summer School, 2017, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen (The Neatherlands).

Positions held
From 2009:
  • Project management: management of national and European multicentric research projects and networks in the field of biobanking and rare diseases
  • Administrative management: budget monitoring, project reporting, drafting, editing and final checking of the network official documents
  • Event management: organising project meetings and events, teleconferences and webinars, including dissemination material for network promotion inside scientific and patient communities. Editing and updating of website pages
  • Customer management: providing support to user researchers and network members in the use of the network IT platform.
  • Italian: mother tongue
  • English: Proficient user
  • French: Independent user
  • German: Basic user.

Independent User in using word processing, spreadsheet and presentation programs as well as institutional and customised databases.

Teaching activities
  • PhD education course "Biobanche per uso diagnosi e ricerca e per uso terapeutico". 2018, University of Genoa, Italy
  • High-school students 'work-based learning' experience "Giocando con le biobanche", Genoa, Italy.
Scientific activities

Publications: Pubmedi link:

Oral presentations:

  • “Biobanche di Malattie Rare e Associazioni di Pazienti: l’esperienza della rete Telethon di biobanche genetiche”, XII Convegno ACAR, Tirrenia (PI), 2022
  • “Biobanche genetiche di ricerca: un esempio a livello italiano”. Webinar Privacy e Salute - Una nuova sfida da affrontare (Biotechweek 2021), 2021
  • “National network of Rare Diseases Biobanks”, EJP-RD Online Workshop “Rare Disease Biobanks: Roles in Research Networks and International Collaborations”, 2021
  • “Biobanche: inquadramento normativo e panorama nazionale e internazionale”, Corso online SIGU post-congressuale (edizione virtuale) “Accreditamento e certificazione delle strutture di genetica medica e biobanche”, 2020
Clinical and/or Scientific interests

Rare Diseases, Biobanking, ERN, Networking.