E-mail address: daniele.bellavia@ior.it
Bellavia Daniele, PhD
Current assignment
Health Researcher - Omic Science Platform for Personalized Orthopedics (Surgical Sciences and Technologies)
Title of qualification awarded
2001: Degree in Biological Sciences, University of Palermo.
Other qualifications awarded
- 2002: National qualification for the profession of Biologist, University of Palermo
- 2006: PhD in Cellular and Developmental Biology, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences, University of Palermo
- 2008: Summer Course: Embryology-Concepts & Techniques in Modern Developmental Biology, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA USA
- 2014: Course on the new law on animal experimentations (EU DIR 2010/63 and D.L.n.26 of 04.03.2014), University of Palermo.
Positions held
- From 2020: Health Researcher at IOR, Omic Science Platform for Personalized Orthopedics (Surgical Sciences and Technologies).
- 2020: Health Researcher at IOR, Omic Science Platform for Personalized Orthopedics
- 2019-20: Health Researcher at IOR, Technological Platform for Tissue Engineering, Teranostics and Oncology
- 2017-19: Researcher at IOR, Technological Platform for Tissue Engineering, Teranostics, and Oncology. Collaboration Contract.
- 2015-17: Researcher at IOR, Technological Platform for Tissue Engineering, Teranostics, and Oncology. Collaboration Contract for the PON01_01059 project - Development of a new technological platform for the non-invasive treatment of oncological and infectious diseases based on the use of focused ultrasound
- 2015: Researcher at the University "La Sapienza" of Rome, Department of Molecular Medicine. Collaboration Contract for the PON01_00829 project - Innovative Technology Platforms for Tissue Engineering
- 2013-14: Research fellow at IOR. Research fellowship for the Project PON03_00011 - called: "Training of highly qualified researchers in the use and enhancement of infrastructures and equipment in the field of teranostics and personalized medicine"
- 2008-12: Research fellow at the STEBICEF Department, University of Palermo. Post-doctoral research fellowship from the Ministry of Education, Ministry of University and Research (MIUR)
- 2002-05: Scholarship at the Department of Cellular and developmental Biology, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences, University of Palermo. MIUR grant within the framework of the PhD in Cellular and Developmental Biology, 17th cycle.
English: level B1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Excellent computer skills and competences of Microsoft text and data processing software (Office™, Word™, Excel™, PowerPoint™, Publisher™, Adobe Acrobat™), for Internet browsing (Internet Explorer™, Chrome™, Mozilla Firefox™, etc.) and different programs for graphic editing (eg Adobe PhotoShop™, Corel Photopaint™, GraphPAD, etc).
Excellent knowledge of Image Analysis software applied to scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and confocal microscopy.
Excellent knowledge of sequencing data analysis software (ION Torrent) and Cytofluorimetry.
Teaching activities
He was contract lecturer at the University of Palermo for:
- Modules of "Biology and Genetics" of the Integrated Course "Biology, Genetics and Radiobiology", Degree Course in "Medical Radiology, Imaging and Radiotherapy Techniques", educational center of Agrigento, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, a.y. 2008-09
- "Genetics" module of the Integrated Course "Biology and Genetics", Degree Course in "Nursing", educational center of Trapani, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, a.y. 2007-08
- "Molecular genetics with exercises", Degree course in "Biological Sciences", teaching center of Caltanissetta, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences, a.y. 2007-08
- "Elements of Genetic Engineering", Degree course in "Biological Sciences", educational center of Caltanissetta, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences, aa.yy. 2006-08.
Scientific activities
He is author and co-author of scientific articles, abstracts presented at conferences and monographies. 35 of these articles are indexed by Index Medicus and/or SCI. His h-index is 12.
He is a reviewer for the following journals: Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry; Biomed Research International; Blood; BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders; Bone; Cancer Gene Therapy; Cancer Management and Research; Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences; Cellular Reprogramming; Clinical Interventions in Aging; Current Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine; European Journal of Medical Research; Gene; Genomics; Immunity and Ageing; International Journal of Molecular Sciences; Journal of Bone And Mineral Metabolism; Journal of International Medical Research; Nutrients; Osteoporosis International; The Journal of Biochemistry; Theranostics.
He participated to some projects from different grant sponsors: Italian Ministry of Health, Italian Ministry for Research and Education and private Foundations.
Clinical and/or Scientific interests
- Osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, osteosarcoma, bone metastases
- Biophysical treatments: low and high intensity ultrasound
- Regenerative medicine for bone and cartilage pathologies
- Nanovesicle engineering for degenerative and oncological orthopedic diseases
- Liquid biopsy from patients with osteosarcoma, multiple myeloma or bone metastases
- Mutations and polymorphisms in the genes of the vitamin D pathway and their implications on osteoporosis and osteoarthritis
- Non coding RNA (miRNA, long non coding RNA, ribosomal RNA)
- Epigenetic regulation through changes in the DNA methylation state.